2 New things in FortNight
This week I am going to be talking about fortnight again and the new guns being added in to the game! I’m super exited and a little annoyed too. Just for the fact that these new weapons are going to indies people to camp more. But the overall feel of the game and the way people will play might stay the same. This game if still growing and also breaking records! I can’t wait to see where this game goes. Now to get it to the weapons, the first one is the Clinger , it will be available in Battle Royale + Save the World. The next one is the Noble Launcher available in Save the World . Below are the stats and what they look like! Hope yall have a great day! Bye bye Stick it to your enemies and score the Victory Royale. Find this new grenade in Floor Loot, Supply Drops, Supply Llamas, and Treasure Chests. Stats: Rarity: Uncommon Location: Floor Loot, Supply Drops, Supply Llamas, Treasure Chests Explosion Delay (once attached to target): 2.5 seconds Player Damage:...