
Showing posts from March, 2018

NEW Hero in OverWatch

Who is the new hero going to be? Blizzard have revealed that Brigitte Lindholm, daughter of Overwatch's esteemed engineer Torbjörn, is the game's new hero, and she's available on the PTR. this was anonced on 3/1/2018. This is crazy, a new hero is coming! She is going to be so much fun to play! Check out all that you need to know about Brigitte Lindholm, and her story line here Brigitte  And for some of her game play here  gameplay   she is going to be a new support and she wants to be able to help her father Torb and mentor Reinhardt in battle by keeping them healed and ready to fight. She is going to change the way people play this game in a big way and in a good way. She will help change the dive comp that everyone plays right now. That’s when they all play characters that can all jump or “dive” in on the enemy at the sometime. They play the fast characters. So all in all I am super exited and I also side note finally made it to diamond last season and am now st...